CAB offers emergency help over soaring fuel bills

Allison James (48) new manager of Clydesdale Citizen Advice Bureau
17/10/13Allison James (48) new manager of Clydesdale Citizen Advice Bureau
Allison James (48) new manager of Clydesdale Citizen Advice Bureau Lanark 17/10/13
CLYDESDALE Citizen’s Advice Bureau is offering emergency help to people who are in crisis over soaring fuel bills.

Even before this week’s announcement of fuel price rises, the charity has seen a shocking 32% increase in the number of local people who have sought help over fuel bills in the last year.

To meet this growing crisis, the CAB is launching its Energy Best Deal Campaign, offering expert advice on ways people can cut their costs.

For more information on this story, pick up a copy of this week’s Carluke and Lanark Gazette which is in the shops now.