Health survey is looking for your views

23-05-2015 Picture Roberto Cavieres.  General view of Stobhill Hospital23-05-2015 Picture Roberto Cavieres.  General view of Stobhill Hospital
23-05-2015 Picture Roberto Cavieres. General view of Stobhill Hospital
Scotland's biggest health board is behind an unprecedented drive to encourage patients and relatives in East Dunbartonshire to tell them how healthcare and the patient experience can be improved.

The push to drive up patient feedback is being led by the Board’s nurse Director Dr Margaret McGuire.

She said: “High volumes of quality feedback from patients and their families and carers about their experiences of our NHS and our staff is critical if we are to improve the patient experience.

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“We have made it easier than ever before for patients to tell us about what could be better and what is working well. In the past year we were able to capture the comments of more than 10,000 patients. It was encouraging that the compliments far outweighed the complaints.”

The Board created various new channels to capture experiences of hospital and community healthcare including face to face interviews with patients, questionnaire cards in wards and other settings and a bespoke online Patient Feedback system on the NHSGGC website.

All this information is complimented by the comments from patients made on the national Patient Opinion website which refer to Glasgow and Clyde services and analysed to highlight any recurring themes and specific areas of where patients say service is working very well and where there are suggestions of how things should be changed.

Mrs McGuire added: “The Board has just published its annual report on feedback, comments, complaints and concerns including an easy reference summary report. Both are available on our website within the “patient and visitors” section. Our online Patent Feedback system can also be accessed online.”