Third degree

Barry McComishBarry McComish
Barry McComish
Featuring local activitist Barry McComish

1. You’re involved with local politics in Condorrat. What prompted you to join in?

I didn’t want to be one of those people who complain, but do nothing about fixing it.

2. Describe yourself in three words.

Optimistic, kind, stubborn.

3. What do you fear the most?

Disappointing those I care about most.

4.Recommend a book you think our readers would enjoy.

Tooth & Nail by Ian Rankin.

5. What’s the temptation you can’t resist?

A good fish supper from my favourite chippie.

6.What’s your favourite film?

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As long as it has good action and adventure, some sci-fi and a good story I’m happy.

7.What’s the best thing about living in Condorrat?

I like the great view, green as far as the eye can see.

8.The three items you’d take to a desert island?

A good book, Irn-Bru and a satellite phone so I could send for help when I wanted rescued.

9. Which country would you most like to visit?

USA. I’ve been lucky enough to go once before, but there is still plenty to see.

10. What motto do you live your life by?

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

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